Rahmah is a global recruiting firm dedicated to eradicating human trafficking in the recruitment supply chain by partnering with employers, nonprofits, governments, and faith communities to ensure a slave-free hiring process, provide jobs for those most at risk of trafficking, and develop effective strategies & solutions for hiring and onboarding survivors of trafficking.

Stand With Most Vulnerable People (MVPs):

Hire Survivors of Trafficking and Those At-Risk

Survivor Jobs
We stand with survivors of trafficking by working with them and their case managers/care teams and becoming their career coaches and advocates on their journey to healing through healthy and safe jobs and work environments.

At-Risk Jobs
We stand with those at risk of trafficking by partnering with their families, communities and non-profits to ensure they never experience the evils of trafficking through healthy and safe jobs and work environments.

Services for Survivors

We stand with people most at-risk of being trafficked. A division of TruRecruiting, Rahmah serves survivors of human trafficking with excellent job training, coaching, and placement.